UFO's. What can I really say about them? Are they real? Why don't I leave the answer up to you? Let me list some of the strange events I've had in my life and you decide for yourself. It is hard to know where to start because of so many unexplained events.
As a child in the 1950's I often had dreams where I was being trained under the watchful eye of a short Chinese man who was teaching me how to fly. Funny thing it was always the same place, the same lesson, and the same person. I knew the sky was a fake background and it was always the same short little Chinese guy with long robes and a beard. When I had finished my lesson successfully, my reward was to be allowed to stop and smell the flowers nearby [they were real] and I would be shown how to look deep inside them and I would marvel at the different colours. I was thrilled to delicately handle them as this man would explain the different properties to me. I would work extra hard at my lessons so that I could be with the flowers. Flying practice was a nuisance and I did not want to do it but with the promise of the flowers as a reward I would try harder.
After a long length of time [many, many months or years - the time is really unknown now] the dreams finally stopped and I began other training dreams - many with the same man and some with other 'guides' [I can still recall many details of these dreams today]. I never really thought about the different dreams, or all the types of 'training' I received, they were after all, just the dreams of a child. Very interesting, great variety - but dreams - weren't they?
In the early 1990's we had moved into a new house and I had become fast friends with my next door neighbour - we had a lot in common besides having kids and being female. We discussed many subjects of interest in the psychic fields and we often played around doing readings for one another and discussed other topics of similar interest. Nothing out of the ordinary and always in good fun - we both liked to 'play with the stuff'.
On one particular evening my friend brought over her new book and she was showing me the pictures of Stone Hedge in it. I had often seen pictures of Stone Hedge and these looked like every other picture I had ever seen - the only point of interest was that no one had ever really been able to explain it's function. No big deal. What is one more mystery in a life filled with them?
I was flipping through her book pages when I suddenly came across a picture of a place called Brittany. As my eyes fell upon the picture I had an immediate strong energy surge rush throughout my entire body from head to foot as I 'recognized' the place. Simultaneously, I felt like my head was suddenly opening wide and expanding [to the whole of the universe] and my sense of awareness suddenly and dramatically shifted as the energy surged through me - I staggered and nearly fell. In conjuncture with this I suddenly had a rush of a memory - of being taken into a space craft in Brittany and being taught how to do things in the ship and this thought was immediately joined by past memories of the old dreams of being taught how to fly. The little wizened Chinese man was now someone alien and I suddenly realized I had two memories for the same event - how the heck could this be possible? One of them was superimposed over the other. Both of them were too far fetched to be real - weren't they? I tried to come to grips with this sudden and massive shock coupled with the energies I was still open to and receiving. I rationalized I must be losing my mind.
I began to walk and stumble around in a daze debating whether or not I should call a psychiatrist and where could I get one at this time of day? I needed to talk to someone, anyone who would help me. I was in turmoil as I tried to come to grips with the shock. I can never put into words what this first look at Brittany did to me and I seriously doubted my sanity at the time.
In one split second my whole awareness changed and I was in total touch with the universe and I could see and feel 'everything' at the same time. Then as I had flashes and flash backs of memories either of which could not possibly be true - I thought for sure I was losing my mind and grasped at something, anything to hang onto my sanity [I was in a panic]. In shock of what was happening I tried to come to grips with what I had before me. I panicked as I faced these two impossible options and I realized the open feeling I had experienced several moments before was beginning to slip away from me as I fought to maintain my sanity.
An overwhelming feeling of dread [a grey cloud] began to envelop my thoughts as I desperately tried to cope with the events I found myself in. I must be crazy I told myself as the former euphoric state continued to slip away. 'I need a doctor, I must be nuts', I told myself as I picked up the phone several times - I had no idea who to call or what to do so I would hang it up again. Both my friend and husband didn't know what to do or say as I went through this trauma and so they just sat quietly talking as I tried to come to terms with the events - this went on for perhaps an hour before I finally calmed myself down.
After this shock I went through a major healing crisis for a couple of years [normally I rarely got ill] now I was sick almost all the time as my body tried to recuperate from the shock. My psychic sense no longer worked in the normal manner and I completely lost all my 'visuals'. Understand, I am a visually gifted 'psychic' by nature and I often had vivid detailed messages - I could also control my vivid meditations - to suddenly lose this ability is in itself a shock. My former fluid, ongoing, lucid, 'coloured pictures' disappeared to be replaced by the occasional, broken up, unclear, 'black & white picture' - even my dreams stopped for about a year. My visuals took about three years to reappear - it then took another three years to 'see' in a more acceptable manner. Over this past seventh year they have progressed much more quickly as I attempt to return to my previously normal state of seeing. They still do not work the way they did but they are progressing and I now have more control over them.
Obviously something happened or I would not have reacted so traumatically to the pictures nor would I have suffered such upset as a result of seeing them as I suddenly realized I had 'two memories' for the same event. It took me several months of trying to find the truth before I gave up thinking about it completely.
I have never been to Brittany [in this reality - as far as my parents, family or I know] or ever seen a picture of it before so why would I react so dramatically? How can I recognize somewhere I have never been? Why would this memory be hidden from me and be covered with another? I will not go into detail here of what memories I had of Brittany or what it was that I was shown in the ship, what I did, or what was done as the info is irrelevant to the mass of people.
I am not writing this to thrill or entertain people but to get people to think about what is happening around us. I believe only a handful of people would ever actually understand what transpired. I have since remembered other things and so I know why I had the two memories. The 'fake' one of the Chinese man and flying was used to cover up the 'real' one of being taken to the ship and training. There is no doubt in my mind as to which one is 'real' but it is still far fetched as far as the general populace goes. Great entertainment for a person to read but 'the buck stops there'. People are not ready to accept the strange and surreal as anything but that - their own sanity is questioned by themselves or others if they do.
Since then I have met some adults who recognize me just as I recognize them - we were children together in training on the ships [they also have memories of the ships and me in Brittany]. I know this is not my imagination - there are too many of us. I have met others with similar experiences but no one yet has given me any form of satisfactory explanation as to what happened that day when I saw the picture of Brittany. I suppose I will only learn the full ramifications of what I experienced after I 'pass away'. You figure it out…